DTI launches APEC trade website for MSMEs

DTI Assistant Secretary Ceferino Rodolfo launched the web portal Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Trade Repository for the micro, small and medium enterprises. APEC Philippines/Twitter.

MANILA, Philippines —  The Department of Industry (DTI) on Sunday launched a web portal for micro, small and medium enterprises of APEC member-economies.

APECTR, or the APEC Trade Repository, is an online reference tool for trade and tarrif information built to enhance trade and business opportunities for APEC MSMEs.

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DTI Assistant Secretary Ceferino Rodolfo said the website seeks to address trade-related concerns of MSMEs in penetrating export markets by providing timely information on trade procedures and requirements.

"The vision of trade repository is to provide all information needed for trade to be located in one trade," Rodolfo said Sunday during the media launch of APECTR.

Rodolfo said the APECTR is a Philippine-led project with local initiatives under the Boracay Action Agenda adopted in May by APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade seeking to enjoin MSMEs in a global value chain.

"What we have been able to get agreement among the 21 economies is the implementation plan of the Boracay Action Agenda," Rodolfo said.

During the press briefing, Mama Sita president Clarita Reyes-Lapus attested that the APECTR web portal was helpful to the food company.

“Maybe with that kind of rules in the website it will not be difficult for us to convince the importers that our products,” Reyes-Lapus said.

APECTR accessible through tr.apec.org, will be collaboratively maintained by the APEC Secretariat and the Philippine government. The 20 other member-economies have vowed to provide the latest trade data to the project.

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