RTC to Lina: Show proof on computerization deal

MANILA, Philippines - The Manila Regional Trial Court (RTC) has given the head of the Bureau of Customs 10 days to show proof he has complied with an earlier order stopping the agency from rescinding a P650 million contract for an integrated computerization project.

In a three-page order, RTC Branch 47 Judge  Paulino Gallego  directed Customs commissioner Alberto Lina to submit a written report on how the agency has complied with the writ of preliminary injunction.

 “In the event of their not having shown and taken any step in compliance with the writ of Aug. 26, …above respondents are instead ordered to show cause why they should not be cited in contempt of court within a similar period of 10 days from  receipt hereof and for defying the injunctive order,” Gallego said.

The writ of injunction order was in response to the plunder and graft cases filed by Annabelle Margaroli, president of mobile IT solutions provider Omni Prime Marketing Inc., against Lina, former Customs commissioner Guillermo Parayno Jr. and former deputy commissioner Primo Aguas.

Margaroli cited a “criminal conflict of interest” against the three for arbitrarily voiding the contract which had been approved during the term of former Customs commissioner John Sevilla.

In her complaint, Margaroli said the project, called the Integrated Enhanced Customs Processing System, was cancelled by Lina barely two weeks after he assumed office.

The integrated system, along with a national single window – collectively dubbed as PNSW 2 – was seen to curb rampant smuggling in the country.

Gallego issued the new order following a motion filed by Margaroli’s lawyer, Atty. Harry Roque,   to cite Lina in contempt of court for refusing to comply with the Aug. 26  injunction order. 

In the said injunction order, Gallego prohibited the Department of Budget Management Procurement Office and the BOC from aborting the competitive bidding which Omni Prime won last April 13. 

The court order likewise stopped Lina and Jose Tomas Syquia, executive director  of the DBM procurement service, from “initiating and/or sourcing without authority of law other procurement for similar purpose than the PNSW 2 project.

Lina said he nullified the contract because he wanted to review all projects of the BOC.

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