Roxy sets summer girls’ camp for fitness buffs

MANILA, Philippines - Beauty queen–turned entrepreneur Abby Cruz – Bb. Pilipinas 2007, international model, events host, actress and personality development coach –  has put together an early summer girls‘ camp for fitness buffs in Zambales on March 6 to 8. 

The three-day “Roxy Outdoor Fitness Girls Camp”  sponsored by Roxy Philippines will be held at Crystal Beach Resort in San Narciso, Zambales.  “Roxy Outdoor Fitness Girls Camp” gives participants three days and two nights of fun activities such as surf lessons, yoga, zumba party, ukulele workshop, poi workshop, fitness activities and freebies from other sponsors, including Lagu, Nestle Fitnesse, Loreal Paris, Garnier, Ph care, Myra e, Belo sun expert, Backburn, Agos, Ukulele Manila, Choose Philippines, Subicom and Go to do. 

The package worth P9,500 includes three days two nights AC accommodation, full board meals, and land transfers from Manila-Zambales-Manila.

For inquiries, call or text May at 0917-5452791 or email at

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