DTI warns against substandard construction materials

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is reminding consumers to purchase building materials with the Philippine Standard (PS) mark or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) sticker amid an expected peak of construction activities during the summer season.

“Since it is imperative for these mechanical/ building and construction materials to have a high degree of product reliability for consumer protection, the bureau requires the manufacturers and importers of these products to undergo government tests and inspections so as to ensure that they comply with the safety and performance requirements of specific Philippine National Standards (PNS),” DTI Bureau of Product Standards director Ann Claire Cabochan said in a state-ment yesterday.

Under the government’s product certification scheme, goods-including construction materials-need to be tested based on specific PNS at the bureau’s product testing division or any accredited laboratory.

Products that comply with the PNS are given the PS mark or ICC sticker to indicate such are safe for use.

“The manufacturers and importers with the PS license or ICC certificate are authorized to distribute and sell with the printed PS mark or the ICC sticker affixed to their products.  These required labels convey to the consumers that the products have passed the safety and performance tests and will guide them in distinguishing reliable and safe goods from uncertified ones, which could be inferior or substandard,” Cabochan said.

As of end-2014, the DTI has issued 294 PS licenses to 206 companies that manufacture building or construction materials.

Meanwhile, a total of 1,738 ICC certificates have been issued to importers and distributors of the same products.

Trade Undersecretary Victorio Mario Dimagiba said that while buying cheap, but inferior construction materials may allow consumers to save, it could also prove to be costly in the long run given risks.

“Do not compromise the safety of your loved ones.  When buying construction materials, we urge consumers to demand for products that are assured of performance and safety to get their hard-earned money’s worth, and at the same time, to avoid risks posed by substandard products,” he said.

He stressed said consumers need to know more about the proper use of such critical products to avoid untoward incidents.

To view the list of products and brands that bear the PS and ICC marks, consumers can visit: http://www.bps.dti.gov.ph/local-databases/cat_view/46-local-database/77product-certification.html.

For complaints or to report products without PS or ICC marks, individuals can call DTI Direct at 751.3330 or 0917.8343330.


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