New cooling solution to lower electricity bills

MANILA, Philippines - Local firm Ecocool Technology is offering consumers a new product that would translate to an average 20 percent monthly savings on their electricity bills.

In a recent interview with The STAR, Michael Smith, owner of Ecocool Technology, the exclusive distributor of the product developed in the United States, said energy saving products such as Cold-Plus can help power users in the country especially with the looming power supply shortage in the summer of 2015 when there is a projected shortage of at least 700 megawatts.

“We have recently acquired exclusive Distributorship for a product called Cold-Plus and have it now here in the Philippines,” he said.

Essentially, the product is a cooling solution installed in air-conditioning units and refrigerators. It is a technology that eliminates oil fouling in air-conditioning and refrigerator units. This, in turn, removes the need for future flushing and replacement of freon.

“By removing oil fouling, your units will once again be able to function as it was the day it was installed,” the company executive said.

Oil fouling is like a plaque which costs the inner wall lining of the tubing where refrigeration freon passes. This fouling prevents positive heat absorption and over time, the unit will no longer produce cold air.

Smith said Cold-Plus also has a special polymer which will then microscopically coat the tubing inside the air-conditioning unit or the refrigerator.

This coating will allow faster cycling of the refrigeration unit from liquid to gas and increase lubricity within the system, thus making it last longer and produce 20 percent more cool air at less humidity. This occurs at the expansion valve in the system, Smith explained.

He said their company has offered the product to government agencies such as the Land Transportation Office and in private firms such as franchisees of Palawan Express, a money remittance service provider.

These clients have reported about 20 percent savings in their monthly electricity bills, he said. 

“Again, this is 20 percent and consistent.  All the units we installed in were less than three years old.  We find that the older the units, the more we save,” he said.



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