RPN9 to be rebranded CNN Philippines

MANILA, Philippines - The new owners of Radio Philippines Network channel 9 (RPN9) led by Amb. Antonio Cabangon-Chua is taking the ailing sequestered network world class by partnering with CNN of Time Warner Inc.

After being reformatted to 9TV from Solar New Channel, the network would again be rebranded to CNN Philippines starting January.

The partnership between RPN9 and CNN is scheduled to be formalized today.

Media Newser Philippines, an online news network, reported earlier that CNN Philippines would carry CNN’s international news coverage and some of their current programming to non-cable Filipino viewers.

It added that both networks would also share their reporting to various CNN bureaus should there be a big coverage happening in the country led by the visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines in January.

Last Aug. 23, Solar News Channel was renamed 9TV marking the beginning of the channel’s thrust to reach wider audience and strengthen the presence on free TV RPN9.

9TV continued to focus its programming on providing news and information but it would also beef up its weekend programming to cater to more viewers.

Similarly, the Solar News organization would be known as 9News but would continue to be the credible and consistent source of news and information, offering ‘News You Can Use’ and back-to-basics journalism.”

Likewise, the Solar News website would also change its address from its current www.solarnews.ph to www.9news.ph while its Twitter account would become @9newsph and Facebook account www.facebook.com/9newsph.

This was after the entry of the group of Cabangon-Chua that bought the stake of businessman Wilson Tieng in Solar TV Network Inc. (STVN). STVN’s Solar Entertainment Corp. used to own 34 percent of RPN9.

The Benedicto family through Far Eastern Manages and Investors owns 32 percent of RPN9 while the government has a 20 percent interest in the broadcast firm.

The group managed to further expand its media empire that includes Business Mirror and tabloid Pilipino Mirror as well as DWIZ 882 AM and 97.9 Natural FM through Aliw Broadcasting Corp.

Under the agreement between Cabangon Chua and Tieng’s Solar Group, STVN would have to forego the Solar name and change its corporate name before the end of the year. STVN would also stop using the Solar brand as well as logo.




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