No more paper documents from employers’ submission

MANILA, Philippines - The Social Security System (SSS) said it would no longer accept hardcopy or paper-based contribution and loan collection lists from employers beginning July 1.

Instead, employers must submit their R-3 (collection list) and ML-2 (loan collection list) in soft copy format saved in an electronic storage media such as a USB flash drive or compact disc (CD).

“The mandatory submission of electronic contribution and loan collection lists is aimed at preventing errors that can happen when SSS personnel have to re-encode data written in the paper-based SSS collection lists,” said May Catherine Ciriaco, SSS vice president for management services and planning.

“Submitting electronic R-3 and ML-2 in USB sticks or CDs will also eliminate the need for paper documents, and makes the transfer of data simpler and faster. This will ultimately provide more convenience to employers and ensure the timely posting of contributions and loan payments of members,” Ciriaco added.

Per SSS rules, all employers are required to submit quarterly the R-3 and ML-2 collection lists which are used by SSS as bases for posting the contributions and loan payments to the correct member-employee.

Exempted from the electronic collection lists requirement are household employers who may continue to submit their contribution collection lists in hardcopy, or thru electronic format if they wish to do so.

Employers with 10 or less employees may also submit their loan collection lists in hardcopy or through electronic ML-2. Their contribution collection list, however, must be in electronic format.

“The R3 File Generator Program, which is used in the preparation of the electronic R3, and the Loans Management System (LMS) File Generator Program, used to prepare the electronic ML-2, are both available for downloading through the SSS website.

“If they cannot download a copy or need assistance in setting up the program, employers may also go to their servicing branches, where SSS representatives are ready to assist them,” Ciriaco said.

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