Ayala, BPI to host Asean Business Club

MANILA, Philippines - In celebration of its 180th founding anniversary this year, Ayala Corp. is playing a leading role in showcasing the Philippines as it heads into ASEAN economic integration, hosting high- profile international business events in its crown jewel development, the Makati Central Business District.

On May 21, with its banking affiliate Bank of the Philippines Islands, Ayala will host nearly 50 delegates of the ASEAN Business Club (ABC) on a Philippine country visit coinciding with the World Economic Forum East Asia Summit.

The ASEAN Business Club, of which Ayala Corp. chairman and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala and BPI presi- dent and CEO Cesar Consing are Phil- ippine co-chairs, is an association of the chief executive of ASEAN’s most important business enterprises who are committed to the advancement of the ASEAN agenda.

Led by Nazir Razak, CEO of the CIMB Group, the group’s other co-chairs are some of the most influential chief executives in Southeast Asia, including Tony Fernandes of AirAsia (Malaysia), Chairul Tanjung of CT Corp. (Indone- sia), Patrick Walujo of the Northstar Group (Indonesia), Chartsiri Sophon- panich of Bangkok Bank (Thailand), Tos Chirathivat of Central Retail Corp. (Thailand), Chew Gek Khim of Straits Trading Co. (Singapore), Simon Cheong of SG Global (Singapore), and Thura Ko of YGA Capital (Myanmar).

The ABC delegates visiting the country belong to leading companies in Southeast Asia, with top manage- ment and key executives representing a diverse group of industries throughout the region. As part of their visit, the delegation will pay a courtesy call on President Aquino at Malacañang and afterwards will engage senior members of his administration’s economic team in a roundtable discussion. The panelists at this roundtable will include Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, and Bangko Sentral Gov. Amando Tetangco Jr.

The ABC’s country visit will culminate the Philippine welcome reception diner of the World Economic Forum, which the Ayala Group is hosting in collaboration with the Philippine gov- ernment and other private sector spon- sors. The event will feature the best the Philippines has to offer, including the best of Philippine talent, craftsmanship, design and cuisine.

The reception is expected to be at- tended by over 500 high-profile delegates and guests ranging from ASEAN Business Club members, World Economic Forum participants, ASEAN ministers, the dip- lomatic corps., local business leaders and ranking public officials.

The ABC is a private sector driven initiative of the region’s leading busi- nesses that brings leaders together to understand and help shape the growing connectivity among ASEAN economies. The group organizes opportunities for the business and government sectors within the region to touch base and discuss practical, effective measures to enhance ASEAN integration efforts.

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