BOC to restore pre-shipment inspection

MANILA, Philippines - The Bureau of Customs (BOC) plans to require pre-shipment inspection of all imports as part of reforms to fight corruption and smuggling.

Speaking at the Makati Business Club (MBC), European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and Integrity Initiative Special joint meeting held yesterday, BOC Commissioner John Philip Sevilla said the bureau plans to implement reforms between now until the middle of next year.

Among the reforms eyed is to require the pre-shipment inspection of all imports to the country.

“We are restoring pre-shipment inspection in a couple of months,” he said.

At present, pre-shipment inspection is limited to bulk and break bulk cargoes.

Aside from pre-shipment inspection, the BOC also plans to publish a single reference for customs valuations for products imported to the country.

“We will publish it. That way everyone knows what values are actually being used,” Sevilla said.

The BOC likewise intends to come up with brochures which would clarify rules on duties for balikbayan boxes and goods delivered through the mail.

“We are just going to explain what the rules are. We want to have a brochure explaining what products can be brought here duty or tax free and what have duty and tax,” Sevilla said.

He added that by June next year, the BOC wants “to be as close to paperless to 100 percent as possible.”

The reforms are expected to increase transparency and fight corruption in the bureau as well as curb smuggling.

Sevilla said that by putting in place the reforms, those who engage in corrupt practices in the bureau would have no place to hide.

Sought for comment, MBC executive director Peter Perfecto told reporters the group supports the reforms, particularly the pre-shipment inspection requirement as such is expected to curb smuggling.

“The objective is to curb smuggling which is a big issue of the business community,” he said.

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