Mining sector sees gold in Shell innovation

MANILA, Philippines - Discovering a goldmine of opportunity, literally and quite figuratively, could be considered the constant objective of players in the mining industry. Gas technology and energy leader Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. recently brought together mining operators, executives and decision makers in an informative dialogue to explore such opportunities for business growth during its Energy Innovations for Mining Operations Forum at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Hotel.

 â€œBeing a long-standing mining company, we’re always on the lookout for new technology or savings in terms of energy and savings in cost,” said forum delegate Cherry Tan, assistant vice president for purchasing of Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company (LCMC). “In mining, what you compete against is your own cost. So it helps if we are able to bring down cost.”

The 77-year-old, publicly listed LCMC is the country’s primary gold producer. In her 15 years with the company, Tan said they have been using Shell regular diesel and lubricants to run their underground equipment. With the showcase on Shell FuelSave Diesel at the forum, Tan was introduced to the premium-grade automotive diesel fuel for heavy duty vehicles and its potential use in LCMC’s load haul dumps and other mining machines, saving fuel and money.

Fellow forum participant Kevin Oxenham, general manager for maintenance of another local gold miner, FCF Minerals Corp., attests to the veracity of the reported up to three percent fuel savings claim using the Shell FuelSave variant.

With 45 years of experience in the mining business, Oxenham confirms the potentials of enhanced fuels such as Shell FuelSave, as he has experienced using other products with similar additive components in different mine sites. He is convinced of the importance of such innovative methods in fuel technology, leading to smarter products and smarter mobility. “It improves the performance of the diesel and your engine life,” he explained. “Without that, you won’t get equipment reliability.”

Shell FuelSave Diesel was developed by the global energy company’s scientists in response to customers’ demand for economical, reliable and clean fuel. Shell global technology advisor Foong Sook Peng, one of the speakers in the forum, explained that conventional diesel fouls and blocks fuel injector nozzles in the engine over time and with high mileage-operations, preventing it from properly spraying fuel. The fuel droplets are unable to combine with oxygen effectively, causing poor combustion, which leads to higher fuel consumption and cost. Poor combustion means fuel is partially burned, resulting in increased fleet exhaust CO2 emissions, less power and poor operating efficiency. Cleaning or replacing injectors adds to maintenance and downtime cost.

Foong presented the benefits of Shell FuelSave Diesel’s unique formulation that enhances detergency, which keeps injector nozzles clean for optimum fuel combustion and improved engine power. It has anti-corrosion additive that minimizes rust formation in a vehicle’s fuel system. It also separates moisture in the diesel formed by weather and temperature changes, to prevent rust and growth of microorganisms inside the fuel tank. It contains a form inhibitor which can help to reduce foaming and allows faster refilling, more fuel in the tank and less risk of spillage.

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