Longer protection for steel angle bars mulled

MANILA, Philippines - The Tariff Commission is set to hold consultations with stakeholders this week to look at whether the government should extend the safeguard measure on steel angle bar imports.

In a notice posted on its website, the Tariff Commission said it will hold a public hearing on Thursday on the safeguard measure on steel angle bars.

“All interested parties shall be given the opportunity to be present, to present evidence and to be heard with respect to the progress and specific efforts made by the domestic steel angle bar industry to facilitate adjustment to import competition,” it said.

The public hearing will be held as the Philippine Steel Angle Bar Industry has filed a petition to extend the safeguard measure on steel angle bars imported to the country.

Steel angle bars are angle-shaped steel used for trusses, roof frames, steel frames, and steel structures of billboards, transmission towers, bridges, and other structures.

These are used by companies engaged in the construction of houses, condominiums, malls, and infrastructure projects.

Local steel angle bar manufacturers include Cathay Metal Corp., Dragon Asia Rolling Mills, Lunar Steel Corp., 21st Century Mills, Inc., and Maxima Steel Mills Corp.

Last year, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) issued an order extending the safeguard measure on imported steel angle bars.

The order requires that duties amounting to P3,901.08 per metric ton of steel angle bar imports will be in place on the first year of implementation from March 10, 2012 until March 11 of this year.

The safeguard measure will be reviewed annually to determine if the duties can be further liberalized on the second and third year of implementation.

The DTI decided to extend the safeguard measure to allow the domestic industry to be able to implement adjustment plans and compete with imports.

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