Best practices for audit committees

MANILA, Philippines - Did you know that the chairman of the board, the president, and the CFO of all corporations are now required to sign the financial report before it is submitted to SEC?  Did you know that the corporation’s board is responsible to review all financial statements before these are submitted to the stockholders? With SECs mandatory requirement for corporations’ board of directors to practice good corporate governance, the importance of having a functioning audit committee headed by a member of the board is now a must.   

This is one of the reasons why corporations are now focused on strengthening the effectiveness of their audit committees.  To address the clamour of board directors and management for a professional and formal training on this very important issue, the Center for Global Best Practices is launching a pioneering best practices program entitled, Board Directors’ Guide for Audit Committees to be held on Wednesday and Thursday July 3 & 4, 2013 at the Edsa Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines

This unique program is designed for board chairmen who must fully understand the functions and roles of audit committees to lead effectively, for the audit committee members and chair so they know what they must really do and not do, for the board directors and members of management including CEOs, CFOs, auditors, and accountants to learn how to craft a working program and agenda with audit committees to relate and align their working relationship more effectively.

This once-a-year event is a very useful guide with practical applications to help audit committees work more effectively. 

The special event will feature the top 10 best practices for audit committees, reading and spotting key issues in audit reports, special investigation and financial reporting function, risk assessment protocols and tools, and solutions to challenges and problems faced by the board and audit committees. It will also feature PriceWaterhouseCoopers findings and valuable research on the global best practices of world-class audit committees.  Attendees of this one-time event will get free templates and practical reference materials that they can use and apply immediately to simplify their work and save time in crafting an audit committee program. Participants are encouraged to avail of the group discounts.

Full details and all other upcoming seminars are at

For queries, please contact program officer Camille Jonas through email or at Manila telephone numbers 556-8968/ 69;  Cebu lines (032) 512-3106/ 07 or Baguio number (074) 423-5148.




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