Automatic Centre uses ‘new media’ for promo

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines’ biggest appliance retailer, Automatic Centre, is taking advantage of the strong Internet usage in the country by coming out with new web-based promos supported with traditional advertising.

Samie Lim, president of Automatic Centre, said this is part of the transition of the company from the old “to the new Automatic Centre.”

“We are now tapping the new media – Facebook, websites, twitter, and blogging. While we continue to diversify and expand our outlets, we will also strongly use the internet for our promos and see what more we can do with it,” Lim emphasized.

Studies indicate that the number of Filipinos who use the internet has now reached about 30 million.

Lim said as part of Automatic Centre’s 65th anniversary celebration, the company has launched a promo that gives Facebook users up to 65 percent discounts on  featured appliance for the day.

Sam Frederick ‘Eric’ Lim, Automatic Centre general manager, said from Nov. 15 to Jan. 18, the company will post in its Facebook account the featured appliances or gadgets for the day from among the 65 best-selling items that will be offered at 65 percent discount as part of the promo.

Those interested to purchase the featured appliances or gadgets at the discounted price, the young Lim said, only need to visit the Facebook account of Automatic Centre and then click the link to register for the promo from midnight to midnight of that particular day.

The following morning at 11 a.m., Automatic Centre will make a random selection of who will get the 65 percent discount. Other participants may also get lesser discounts.

“We will send an email to them at about 11 am, and we will say ‘congratulations, you can get the appliance or gadget at this discount.’ Aside from the 65-percent discount, you can also get five or 10 percent, depending on the featured product,” Lim added.

For inquiries, call Automatic Centre hotline at (02) 4709188, or email, or visit, or log in to Centre1948 to join the daily promo.


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