Words of wisdom

This week let me sidetrack from our regular topic of sharing entrepreneur stories and their views about how the Philippines has reached its time to shine in Asia. I do get a lot of emails and many of them get junked, but this one was definitely worth sharing, especially for those who have not read it yet.

Over the past seven years of promoting entrepreneurship, the advocacy of Go Negosyo has given me and many other entrepreneurs the chance to give back by sharing our stories that provide would-be and surviving entrepreneurs inspiration towards their path to success. The fulfillment to see young, start-up entrepreneurs succeed is what gives fuel to our many supporters to continue supporting the Go Negosyo advocacy.

This week, like every year, I did turn a year older in age. And another year was added to our marriage. Rather than sharing my age, I will not hesitate to share that we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. Looking back, 29 years of being together with my childhood sweetheart is quite long, based on modern age’s standards which has seen countless separations. I attribute this to my elders--both my grandfathers on the Concepcion side and the Araneta side, who kept their marriage vows until the very end. Even my parents, who have gone beyond their 50th wedding anniversary while they constantly fight, have kept their marriage vows intact. I hope we can surpass my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.

While I continue to be extremely bullish on our country’s future on the material world of success, somehow, we are reminded to put things in the proper perspective, even as we grow our negosyos or pursue our dreams to have greater success--which can be overwhelming as it comes with fame and power. Let me share with you this article, as its original version is written in Chinese. We should keep it in mind as we pursue greatness.

Sixtyish and going on strong... (translated from original Chinese)

There are many 1,000-year old trees in the mountain, but not many 100-year-old people.

At the most, only one in 100,000 people will live to be 100 years old.

So, if you are now 60 years old, if you live until you are: 

90, you only have 30 years more;

80, you only have 20 years more;

70, you have only 10 years more.

Because you don’t have many years to live, and you can’t bring anything with you when you die, you don’t have to be too thrifty. Spend wisely the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed, donate what you are able to donate, and don’t leave everything to your children or grandchildren, for you don’t want them to become parasites.

Don’t worry about what will happen after you are gone because when you return to dust, you will feel nothing about criticisms or praises. Don’t worry too much about your children for children will have their own destiny and find their own way.  Don’t be your children’s slave.

Don’t expect too much from your children.  Caring children would be too busy with their jobs and commitments to render any help.  Uncaring children will fight over your assets even when you are still alive, and wish for your early demise so they can inherit your possessions. Your children may take for granted that they are rightful heirs to your wealth, but they really have no claims to your money, neither do you have any claim to theirs.

Don’t trade in your health for wealth because no amount of money can buy good health.

When should you stop making money, and how much is enough – hundreds, thousands, one million, 10 million?  Remember that out of 1,000 hectares of good farmland, you can only consume three quarts (of rice) daily; and if you have a mansion of several thousand square meters, depending upon your size, height and weight, you can actually occupy only eight square meters of space to rest at night.

So as long as you have enough food and enough money to spend, that is good enough.

You should live happily. Every person and every family has its own problems. Do not compare yourself or your family with others. To compare yourself, your children, your family with others is foolish.  Fame, fortune, and social status do not really bring true happiness, good health, or longevity. It does not help to worry about things that you can’t change; worrying about them will only spoil your health.

Create your own level of well-being and happiness. Try your best to always be in a good mood and to have happy thoughts.  Do things daily, which give you fun and happiness, then you will pass your time happily every day. There is no certainty that everyday will be a happy one but every day of happiness is one day gained; sometimes you gain and win, sometimes you lose. Having a “good spirit” cures sickness, cures sickness fast, and even prevents sickness from coming to you. 

To have good health and happy life, get a suitable amount of daily exercise, exposure to the sun, variety of healthy food, reasonable amount of vitamins and minerals. Hopefully, you have 20, 30, or even more happy and healthy years ahead of you! 

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I would like to congratulate Luli Arroyo-Bernas for the arrival of the newest member of their family. Luli, who is the daughter of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, recently gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Alvaro. She gave birth at Mills Hospital, which is in the bay area of San Francisco, attended by Dr. Hamilton. It happened that my wife also gave birth at the same hospital under the same doctor. Her husband Luigi must be extremely happy, as he now has a new baby despite being in his 50s.

Next week, we will feature one of this year’s Go Negosyo Women Starpreneur Rubby Sy of Flawless Body and Skincare Center. I will also be sharing some highlights in our DTI SME Caravan, which will kick off in Aurora on July 3. We have been in partnership with DTI to bring the Negosem closer to the people.

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Contact me at feedback@gonegosyo.net.

Visit facebook.com/gonegosyoofficial or gonegosyo.net for the latest Go Negosyo activities.

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