Your buddy to a healthy body

MANILA, Philippines - It is a well known fact that alkaline foods are friendly to the body whereas acidic foods aren’t. With that in mind, reason tells us that if alkaline water is taken on a regular basis, it would help the body in a similar fashion as alkaline foods. And if you don’t quite have an adequate alkaline to acidic food ratio, drinking alkaline water can help you reach that goal. Studies have shown numerous health benefits of drinking alkaline water. A healthy person’s pH level is 7.4 – slightly alkaline – a state our bodies try to maintain, but not always successful. Tap water has a pH range of 5.8 to 8.5. Environmental factors and an unhealthy diet all disrupt that balance and tip it toward acidic. The easiest way to restore the body’s natural PH level according to experts is by drinking alkaline water regularly. Alkaline water is known as Kangen water in Japan and literally means ”Return to original”. Alkaline water  has been used in Japan for more than 40 years and has been shown to help restore the body to its original, healthy condition. When tested for ORP (oxidizing reduction potential), it shows a NEGATIVE reading (-200 to -300mV) which greatly helps neutralize excessive free radicals in the body. Izumi Anti-Oxidant Alkaline Water Ionizer separates ordinary water into alkaline and acidic parts. Alkaline water is good for consumption, while acidic is good for topical/external uses. Alkaline water  is an antioxidant that slows down the aging process by neutralizing the acids that are found in the body. It is important to note that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Acidic water has external applications as it is widely used in spas to enhance complexion, reduce acne, and heal fungus infections to name a few. Drinking Alkaline water according to Dr. Djunee Jade Santos of Aqualipure gives the body a powerful anti oxidant and  it is our first line of defense in fighting any desease. “One of the primary causes of desease is chronic cellular dehydration and drinking alkaline ionized water helps with this condition and can be up to six times more hydrating than conventional water,”  Santos said. To know more about alkaline water and its many benefits, log on to  or call/text  09178967809; 2882231; 2883858 and 2883858.

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