Intertek accredited as bulk, break bulk surveyor

MANILA, Philippines - The Committee for Accreditation of Cargo Surveying Companies (CACSC) has approved the application of Intertek International Ltd. after its full compliance with the requirements set under Administrative Order (AO) 243-A on Feb. 4, 2010 as surveyor for cargoes entering the Philippines.

CACSC was created by President Arroyo under Administrative Order (AO) 243-A which seeks to ensure the payment of correct duties and taxes on bulk and break bulk cargo and facilitate their release from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) through their inspection by accredited surveying companies at their port of origin.

The CACSC is headed by President Adviser for Revenue Enhancement Narciso Y. Santiago, Jr. as chairman with the following as members: Undersecretary Stela Sales of the Department of Finance (DOF), Deputy Commissioner Reynaldo S. Nicolas (BOC), Director Pedro Vicente C. Mendoza and Marceliano P. Bernalk, Jr. of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Angelito E. Colona of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) with the assistance of Undersecretary Hesiquio R. Mallillin as head of the secretariat and Dr. Angelito Lazaro as consultant.

Intertek is the third company to be accredited by the CACSC together with Cotecna Inspection SA and Bureau Veritas to perform bulk and break-bulk cargol surveying and inspection.

Under AO 243-A, an advance clearance system for bulk and break bulk cargoes is required in accordance with the objectives of the World Customs Organization International Convention on the Simplication and Harmonization of Customs Procedure, otherwise known as the Kyoto Convention. This administrative order is aimed at protecting and maximizing revenue collections and at the same time an anti-smuggling measure.

Bulk cargo refers to cargoes in a mass of one commodity not packaged, bundled or bottled or otherwise packed.

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