Bishop supports DENR efforts under Atienza

MANILA, Philippines - Agusan Bishop Juan De Dios Pueblos yesterday renewed his full support for DENR Secretary Lito Atienza’s effort to effectively protect the environment and efficiently manage the country’s rich natural resources to benefit all, especially the poor and other marginalized sectors of society.

“Secretary Atienza and I have been working closely together against illegal activities in our province and I have witnessed his unwavering commitment to impartially enforce the law,” said Bishop Pueblos.

The bishop added that Atienza has also been sincere in implementing environmental policies even if it entails reorganizing his department or going after some influential, powerful and wealthy personalities or groups.

According to Bishop Pueblos, mining and illegal logging are the major predicaments of his province and Atienza has always been available and on guard to immediately attend to these concerns.

“The job of Secretary Atienza and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is tough, and I appreciate how the DENR chief values the church’s role to genuinely address environmental problems in our country,” Bishop Pueblos said.

At the same time, Bishop Pueblos cited Atienza’s guiding pro-life principle as a valuable base to ensure the equitable distribution of the country’s natural wealth.

“Being a true pro-lifer, Secretary Atienza goes beyond fighting for the right of a child to be born but providing man the right life to live in as well,” Bishop Pueblos said.

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