UK firms express interest in RP

MANILA, Philippines - Four UK-based firms have expressed interest in investing in the country specifically in mining and business process outsourcing (BPO) industry.

Trade Secretary Peter B. Favila said that he has met with Metals Exploration PLC, T-Mobile UK, Rio Tinto and Bronzeoak Ltd. to promote specific business sectors, products and services as well as liaise on possible investments, expansion plans and joint venture projects during his recent visit in the United Kingdom.

Rio Tinto, a leading international mining group, expressed strong interest to come to the country and explore opportunities especially in copper and nickel mining.

Rio Tinto’s major products include aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy products, gold, industrial minerals like borates, titanium dioxide, salt and talc, and iron ore. Rio Tinto has significant businesses in Australia and North America.

For its part, Bronzeoak highlighted its future plans in the Philippines. Bronzeoak is already present in the Philippines. In 2006, Bronzeoak completed the development of the first integrated cane-based ethanol and power cogeneration plant in Asia, producing 40 million liters of fuel ethanol and 60 million kw hours of renewable electricity.

The San Carlos Bioenergy, located on Negros Island of the Philippines, is the first such plant in the world to dedicate its sugar cane feedstock entirely to the production of energy, helping to achieve the country’s goals of energy independence and sustainable development.

Meanwhile, T-mobile said it is eyeing the country’s BPO sector while Metals Exploration PLC may expand its presence in the country.

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