Do not ask 'why me?'

The meaning and the name Arthur Ashe to many young people is simply a label attached to a pair of a world famous tennis shoes brand. But Arthur Ashe the tennis player was respected for his gentlemanliness and his commitment to his faith.

Stricken with AIDS because of an infected blood transfusion he had during a heart surgery in 1983, the legendary Wimbledon player kept a very positive outlook in life. As he was dying, he received letters from his fans all over the world, one of which conveyed: “Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease”?  

Arthur Ashe replied: “The world over — 50 million children start playing tennis, five million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, four to semi final, two to the finals, when I was holding a cup I never asked GOD ‘Why me?’

And today in pain I should not be asking GOD ‘Why me?’

Have you ever caught yourself in a difficult situation and then the words come out of your mouth saying. “But God, why me?” My experience in most of these cases is that God never answers you the “why” question because even if He does you and I would either be so scared to death or we simply would not understand.

His ways and thoughts are always higher than ours and if we carry the capacity to understand then that would make us gods and the world would be in a more dangerous situation.

Hindsight is always 50-50. Give it time. Live with faith and trust in Him. And in a little while we would know the answer. I speak out of experience. “Why me?” Maybe the question should have been, “Why not me?”

Aren’t you glad that on the cross Jesus did not say, “But why me?”

Aren’t you glad that Resurrection Sunday answers the “Why” question and has provided the world with the answer as to how one can find salvation? One of the thieves said, “If you are the Christ then you can save us and yourself.” At the point of death and in pain he still mocks and scoffs. But the other thief never asked “Why me?” Instead he said “We deserve this and then simply put his trust in the One he acknowledged as King when he said “remember me when you are in Your Kingdom.” Aren’t you glad Jesus did not say, “Why me? Go talk to your pastor or go talk to your priest.”

There are many people today whose jobs, finances and businesses are being challenged and this is why many are asking the “Why me?” question.

Somebody came up with this beautiful material and sent it to me via SMS. Maybe this would help:

Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong.

Sorrow keeps you Human, Failure keeps you humble and Success keeps you glowing, but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going... Another beautiful material credited to anonymity says: The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure.

A loop called Confusion. Speed bumps called Friends.

Red light called Enemies. Caution lights called Family. There are flats called Jobs.

But if they have a spare tire called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, we will make it to a place called success.

God has blessed me beyond my expectations. And when I am in quiet meditation I ask the question, “But why me? Why would You choose this sinner to be heard by kings and princes, respected by the old and the young and to be honored by the poor and the rich alike? Why me? I don’t deserve this.”

And when the slander comes, the cowardly attacks, the false accusations, the hatchet job, the pre-meditated planned negative PR campaigns, the back stabbing, the backbiting..…Maybe in your case, you lose your job….an injustice done against you…your friends cheated you….your relatives betray you……maybe rather than asking “Why me?” we would turn our gaze heavenward and say, “Is it me Lord?”

And then Scriptures remind me to share in the fellowship of the suffering of Christ….and that’s when I understand” “Then it’s got to be me because I am with You.”

And there is no need for further explanation.

This for me is the message of the Cross.

What is yours?

(Click on to and send me your feedback or you can also listen to my radio program “Business Matters” aired 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. weekdays over 98.7 dzFE-FM ‘The Master’s Touch’, the classical music station.)

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