6 wind power projects lined up for 2009 - DOE

At least six new wind power projects are expected to be put up next year, the Department of Energy (DOE) said.

The DOE said three companies have already signified interest to put up wind power facilities in different areas in the country.

According to the DOE, it is currently evaluatng the wind power development projects of Energy Development Corp., Northern Luzon UPC Asia Corp. and Constellation Energy Corp.

EDC has a pending application to develop wind energy resources in Nasurot and Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte.

The Lopez firm said it is studying the possiblity of putting up a 140-megawatt (MW) wind power facility in Ilocos Norte with the initial phase to start at 42 MW.

UPC Asia also submitted its requirement but was found to have overlapping areas with EDC.

Based on UPC Asia’s application, it intends to develop two sites in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte with the possibility of putting up a 100-MW wind farm.

UPC Asia is a member of UPC Group, one of Europe’s largest and most successful wind farm developers. The group has installed and operates over 650 MW of large-scale wind turbine generators in southern Italy and the island of Sardinia.

US firm Constellation Energy Corp., on the other hand, is assessing two projects in Ilog, Negros Occidental and Bais City, Bayawan, Tanjay and Pamplona in Negros Oriental.

Constellation Energy is in the business of nuclear, coal, natural gas, oil and renewable and alternative energy sources such as solar, geothermal, hydro and biomass. Last year, it posted revenues of $21 billion, making it to the Fortune 125 list.

The DOE has expressed optimism that with the passage of the Renewable Energy Bill, ithe country will attract more projects on wind energy.

The Philippines is looking at around 200 MW of wind power projects in various parts of the country with potential investments of around $500 million. A study conducted by the World Wide Fund said the potential wind power capacity is 7,404 MW in 1,038 surveyed sites nationwide.

Likewise, the Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the Philippines reported that the best wind resources are in Batanes, Babuyan Island, Ilocos Norte, Mindoro, Samar, Leyte, Panay, Negros, Cebu and Palawan.

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