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There is something about stories that simply captivate the human mind and heart. From the little slices of life that we share with friends over coffee to the classic fairytales that kids love to hear, the charm of a good story is undeniable. This is the appeal that lies behind the newest innovation in leadership and management. Although the idea of business strategy and storytelling may at first seem quite unrelated, this fresh principle is now changing the face of building brands and how we approach them. Every powerful brand has a unique and relevant story to tell and it is what real people can connect with and relate to. A brand story makes for something that is much more than promoting just a product or service — it shapes valuable experience for those who live it. Meet the concept of the brand story.

In central Hong Kong, there stands a towering five-star hotel, which boasts of only the best and finest of everything. Its impressive and brilliant lobby is adored by many while its plush, elegant suites are home to some of the most affluent and powerful people. Beyond its luxurious amenities and impeccable service, this hotel is the place to be and be seen. Amidst all that power, glamour and style, however, something stands out like a sore thumb in the suite’s elegant bathroom — a bright yellow rubber ducky. Now, as odd as it may seem to have a yellow rubber ducky sitting in a $400 suite, it is also oddly comforting. Seeing it there, you can’t help but smile (and take it home).

This little story about the Conrad Hotel in Hong Kong tells of an icon that expresses the brand’s flair and spirit. It is a great story that people love to hear and want to share with others. As simple and mundane as the yellow rubber ducky seems to be, this unique, quirky character plays a crucial role — it gives that first-rate global brand character and a special story to share. Beyond the air of glamour in this swanky hotel, there is a core truth rooted in the value of relationships and family, whether it works by giving the exhausted businessman a heartwarming reminder of the family waiting for him or encouraging the staff to remember the spirit of service and showing the heart of the establishment.

Create the story. Tell the story. Live the story.

The brand story is an innovative concept that is giving brands a new spin that not only improves the image but can strongly influence performance as well. This approach begins with creating a brand story that is real and applicable to the company, its people and its customers. It is a story about the brand’s history, its leaders and icons, its creed, its rituals and distinctive personality. These elements differentiate the brand from the many others and more importantly, secures a place in the hearts of its staff and customers. Successful brand stories are those that capture your interest, stick to your memory and move you to tell others about it. It’s not merely about listing impressive facts and figures but about sharing the spirit behind the success that makes the story worth telling and remembering.

When a brand story is lived, you can tell — it is experienced by every person in the company and is at work in every single customer engagement. These days, many brands are defined by a mission and vision statement proudly displayed on the office walls. But what do these tell the customer about the company’s goals that they don’t already assume? That a company aims to be the best or the fastest is nothing new, these statements are not what get employees to work everyday or motivate them to fulfill their responsibilities.

If you want to know how effective or valuable your mission/vision statement really is, ask your secretary or any of your company’s frontliners. The company CEO will mostly recite it without a hitch, but how does it inspire the people under him and the work environment altogether? This is where the brand story comes in – bringing with it human interest, real lives and the power of stories. This new principle applies a system that allows the story to live in the day-to-day lives of every member of the organization. When you have the right story and you tell the story right, something special takes place whenever it is told and the brand becomes more than just a name.

Rather than spending time and money generating a mission/vision statement that gathers dust up on a wall and can apply to a hundred other companies, why not create a brand story that inspires and breathes life into your company? Customers may become drawn to your brand by first seeing that ad on television or that number 1 ranking but it takes much more to keep them coming back. They must experience the story that drives the brand’s promises and rewards, feeling its heart and soul lived out in every part of the company. Accomplishing this may just be the most influential force that will affect customer perceptions and behavior and in turn, build the brand into one that is dynamic, enduring and simply remarkable.

What’s your brand story?

(Jos Ortega is the chairman of BrandLab, a strategy company that creates brand stories that inspire organizational change and business growth, applying storytelling and brand anthropology techniques. For comments or questions, email him at

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