NTC to regulate cable TV chatrooms

Cable television (CATV) channels with chatroom formats will now be regulated by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to ensure that only "wholesome" messages are shown on air.

CATV channels with "chatroom" formats refer to interactive channels that enable viewers to interact and send text messages via SMS (short message service) for reception by the viewing public.

Under the new rules, all CATV stations with chatroom formats are required to employ the use of Automated Filter Dictionary (AFD) for their chatroom channels. The software for the AFD is capable of automatically masking pre-determined words or phrases not suitable for cablecasting; of previewing all messages prior to broadcasting; of providing the operator the facility to edit or delete messages upon examination of the same; and of automatically screening and blocking messages from cellular mobile numbers previously banned from the chatroom.

CATV operators with chatroom channels shall be responsible for putting up an administrator who shall oversee the operation of the chatroom and shall be responsible for the operation of the AFD and the updating of its database, among others. The administrator shall be operated whenever the channel is cablecasted and shall be situated at the head-end station of the CATV or at a remote location duly registered and approved by the NTC.

The NTC now also requires all chatroom channels to place an advisory informing all chatroom users to refrain from sending messages containing indecent, profane, obscene, malicious language and content, and all other words and phrases not suitable for cablecasting.

Meanwhile, the commission has also issued a set of guidelines for the consolidation or sharing of head-end facilities by two or more CATV operators.

According to the NTC, sharing of facilities will allow CATV operators to take advantage of economies of scale and optimize the use of resources, and to further improve their service to subscribers.

Sharing of head-end facilities by two or more CATV systems will now require the approval of the NTC. A CATV operator intending to share head-end facilities shall duly notify the commission of its intent. A grantee of a provisional authority or certificate of authority shall file a motion before the commission, while the applicant shall either indicate in its original application or in a motion filed for such purpose.

A memorandum of agreement and a technical feasibility report shall be submitted together with the petition, motion or application. The concerned CATV operator shall warrant in its MOA and demonstrate in its technical feasibility report, full compliance with the technical standards for CATV systems, especially with the cable size requirements, and good signal quality at all times.

The MOA shall also include an assignment of liability for violations of NTC technical standards, rules and regulations that results from or in relation to the sharing of the head-end, between or among the concerned parties.

Existing CATV operators serving adjoining or contiguous municipalities or cities may be allowed to consolidate their individual head-end facilities into a single head-end station. A motion shall be filed for the purpose, attaching with it a technical feasibility report indicating compliance with the technical standards for CATV systems.

The concerned CATV operators shall still secure and maintain their respective TVRO and CATV licenses notwithstanding the sharing of head-end facilities, the NTC said.

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