Wireless software developer reports zero downtime

Brewed Concepts, Inc., a mobile wireless software developer and services provider, reported that its Internet infrastructure has experienced zero downtime since the company began operations in September 2002. The company’s connectivity and web hosting services are provided by AyalaPort Makati, Inc (APMI).

Brewed Concepts creates customized wireless applications for the Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) formats. It creates software that combines text, pictures, photos, animations, speech and audio and is customized to client specifications and needs. "Imagine using your handset to view the latest movie trailers, to listen to the latest hits or to send full-colored pictures and voice clips halfway around the globe. Brewed Concepts is all about helping people utilize this technology for their particular needs," said Brewed Concepts president Bing Tan.

After creating an application, Brewed Concepts sends the software via the Internet to a telecom provider for broadcast. The business is dependent on the Internet because it is the highway by which wireless applications are transferred. "If our connection goes down, our operations will be put on hold as well. Our company boasts that its system is up 24 by 7, its infrastructure has no downtime and that it has high traffic capabilities of 100 messages per second.

"That’s why we partnered with a dependable service provider that has the right infrastructure to support our systems. Additionally, we do all our troubleshooting over the Internet so our server has to be just as responsive. I am happy to report that since we began operating last year, we have experienced zero downtime with AyalaPort," he said.

AyalaPort is a partnership between Internet Initiative Japan – a leading Asian data center operator in Asia – and Ayala Corporation’s IT subsidiaries iAyala and ALINET.com. It provides technology infrastructure, Internet and network services and value-added solutions and applications to enterprises and other organizations that outsource their technology requirements. AyalaPort president Mark Javier said, "We are pleased to have been there for Brewed Concepts since it began operations. The partnership has been mutually satisfying and we hope to stay side-by-side with them as they continue to expand and grow."

AyalaPort also provides Brewed Concepts web-hosting services. The official website, www.brewedconcepts.com <http://www.brewedconcepts.com> , presents the company’s portfolio of value-added services and showcases projects that have been successfully launched.

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