Reform team deplores delay of Polo Club polls

Concerned club members seeking reforms at the Manila Polo Club (MPC) expressed dismay yesterday over the postponement by the MPC board of the scheduled club elections on Aug. 26 to Sept. 25 on account of its failure to comply with Securities and Exchange Commission rules and regulations.

SEC Chairman Lilia Bautista had earlier ruled that SEC rules under Memorandum Circular No. 05-1 on board elections of stock and non-stock corporations were applicable to the MPC balloting, and as such club members can demand from the MPC board a complete list of voters and the proper validation of proxies prior to the elections.

When the board was asked the other day for a copy of the voters’ list in line with the SEC ruling, it could not produce one.

Instead, the MPC board at an emergency meeting yesterday passed a resolution postponing the board elections to Sept. 25, 2002, and setting as deadlines Sept. 10 for the complete listing of qualified voters, Sept. 15 for the submission of proxies, and Sept. 20 for the validation of proxies.

"All this is regrettable, but this just shows again the failure by the MPC board to follow fundamental rules of good governance," said Good Governance Team member Roberto Romulo. "Now several board members will hold office beyond their terms. I think they should resign to remove all doubt over the fairness of the forthcoming elections."

For his part, Team spokesman Jun Campillo disclosed that the reform group had written the MPC board as early as July 22 for the adoption of proper rules for the elections, including the closing of the voters roster and the validation of proxies at a proper date. But the board sat on the request for three weeks and then denied it invoking lack of time as the reason.

"The onus of responsibility for this situation is entirely on the board’s head," Campillo added.

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