Government pushes back sked to energize rural area

The Arroyo administration has pushed back to 2006 the target year for the completion of its rural electrification program, Energy Secretary Vincent S. Perez said yesterday. The original target was 2004.

In a press briefing, Perez described as unrealistic the original target which was set by the previous administration. Nevertheless, Perez said they are exerting all efforts to meet the 2004 target.

"We have internal and external targets. Internally, we are still pushing for it (2004 target). However, I know for sure it is impossible that we will meet the 2004," he said.

Under the O-Ilaw Program of the National Power Corp. (Napocor), the government expects to bring electricity to at least 782 barangays this year. As of end-June this year, the sector had energized a total of 572 barangays. This will bring to 85 percent the energized barangays by the end of June 2002.

The O-Ilaw program was developed by the energy sector around first quarter of 2000. This program aims to energize all of the remaining 8,348 un-energized barangays in December 2000 by end-2004.

According to its original schedule, the program should have brought the country’s electrification level from 80.1 percent (33,647 barangays energized) in December 2000 to 100 percent by 2004, electrifying all of the 41,995 barangays nationwide.

Rural electrification is at the top of DOE’s list of priorities since it directly addresses the poverty alleviation thrust of the government.

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