Roxas wants to abolish EMG

Trade and Industry Secretary Manuel Roxas II is in favor of abolishing the Economic Mobilization Group (EMG) the forum for government and the business sector to discuss business issues.

The DTI head said that his proposal is similar to that taken by President Arroyo to her own Cabinet wherein she abolished several ad hoc committees and instead reverted back to Cabinet clusters that would be issue-oriented.

Instead of the EMG, Roxas envisions area-defined clusters that would, for example, focus on cutting the cost of doing business in the country. "The EMG was initially formed to get private sector input," he said however "it would be more effective if the clusters are specifically focused on specific areas such as smuggling, licensing and permits and cutting the cost of doing business."

During the time of deposed president Joseph Estrada a super economic body was created, the Economic Coordinating Council (ECC), that would have overall control over all economic issues.

But the ECC’s primary objective was to fast-track the entry of big foreign investments.

Mrs. Arroyo has since abolished the ECC and revived the economic cluster committee.

The new administration, Roxas said, has found the Cabinet cluster "more responsive to the present system" and is now the primary mode for resolving issues.

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