Mitsubishi not selling Benz here

Makoto Maeda, president of Mitsubishi Motors Philippines, has denied news reports that MMPC will sell Mercedes Benz vehicles in the Philippines soon.

Maeda said that they have sent a letter to Commercial Motors to clarify the erroneous news reports that came out of innocent statements made by his staff. He said that MMPC deeply regrets that those statements were misquoted and led to misleading reports on Mercedes Benz vehicle distribution in the Philippines and the status of Commercial Motors distributorship agreements with Mercedes Benz.

Related to this statement, Melchor R. Dizon, first vice president for marketing of MMPC, said that the press completely misquoted him and took out of context conclusions on his passing comments with respect to Mercedes Benz vehicles.

Dizon also bewailed the gross misquote of his statement on the status of Commercial Motors distribution agreement with Mercedes Benz. Dizon said he clearly and repeatedly said "We have no knowledge of the terms or the status of Commercial Motors distributorship agreement with Mercedes Benz."

He said that he made this statement and repeated it twice more after hearing one of the reporters say that distributorship agreements are usually just renewed yearly.

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