BOC sets revenue target at P91.9B, seeks PNP help to curbsmuggling

Newly appointed Customs Commissioner Ramon Farolan said yesterday the Bureau of Customs (BOC) is targeting a revenue collection of P91.9 billion for this year.

Farolan, who has also been designated as undersecretary of Finance together with Revenue Commissioner Dakila Fonacier on a concurrent basis, outlined his priorities which include curbing smuggling, increasing revenue collection and computerizing the operation of the BOC.

Farolan admitted that smuggling appears to have resurfaced, adding that he has sought the assistance of Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Panfilo Lacson.

"I am confident that we can address the problem more forcefully with his (Lacson's) assistance," Farolan said, adding that "we must also help ourselves." He also called on the business community to fight smuggling.

Farolan, however, admitted that the BOC may have some difficulty in raising its revenue in view of the move to further reduce tariff rates in compliance to the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement.

"We must learn to live within our means, expenditures should be commensurate with the revenues. We want to keep the budget deficit within manageable levels," he said.

Farolan stressed the need to computerize the operations of the BOC. He said that doing so "is the only way we can survive in the 21st century."

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