Lee Keath
Lee Keath
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Iran's working class, facing dim prospects, fuels unrest
by Lee Keath - January 7, 2018 - 6:14am
The Iranian town of Doroud should be a prosperous place — nestled in a valley at the junction of two rivers in the Zagros Mountains, it's in an area rich in metals to be mined and stone to be quarried.
In Islamic State war, like others, heritage always a target
by Lee Keath - August 26, 2015 - 12:49pm
A nearly 2,000-year-old temple in the Syrian city of Palmyra this week was the latest victim in the Islamic State group's campaign of destruction of historic sites across the territory it controls in Iraq and S...
Violence fuels debate among Muslims over interpreting faith
by Lee Keath - January 11, 2015 - 6:16am
After gunmen in Paris killed 12 people, Saudi Arabia's top body of Muslim clerics quickly condemned the attack and said it could have no acceptable justification.
Iran 's heavyweight absence hangs over Syria talks
by Lee Keath - January 25, 2014 - 7:09am
It's the regional heavyweight that few want at the table, but without it any attempt to end the Syria war may be futile. Iran's backing is crucial for President Bashar Assad's hold on power — and for the Iranians,...
Thin veneer of normalcy in Syria's wartime capital
by Lee Keath - August 28, 2013 - 7:14am
Even in the capital of a country torn apart by civil war, Syrians have to find some way to enjoy themselves on a hot summer weekend.
AP Interview: Official says Syria to defend itself
by Lee Keath - August 27, 2013 - 4:27am
A senior Syrian official said yesterday that his country will defend itself against any international attack and will not be an easy target as the US and other countries heat up rhetoric in response to an alleged...
Despite turmoil, Syria regime feels new confidence
by Lee Keath - August 25, 2013 - 5:03am
The signs would seem bad for President Bashar Assad. Blasts echo all day long over the Syrian capital as troops battle rebels entrenched on its eastern doorstep.
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