Pinay household worker awarded Norwegian service medal

MANILA, Philippines  -- A Filipina household staff at the Norwegian Ambassador’s residence in Berne, Switzerland was given royal recognition for rendering thirty years of loyal service, the Philippine Embassy in Switzerland said on Friday.

Alice Javier was given The Norwegian King’s Commemorative Medal, a decoration given to personnel who work at Norwegian missions and residences in recognition for special services.

Javier came to Switzerland in 1983 and has since then, served at the Norwegian residence and worked under ten Norwegian ambassadors, the embassy said.

Norway’s Ambassador Rolf Trolle Andersen awarded the medal to Javier on August 23 in the presence of Philippine Ambassador Leslie Baja.

Andersen said Alice, as she is fondly called, “has imbibed three cultures in her work place – Filipino, Norwegian and Swiss, bringing a perfect fusion to an outstanding service.”

Baja congratulated Javier for the award, noting the recognition shows that Filipinos are among the best foreign nationals in Switzerland and serve as ambassadors of goodwill in the country.

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