Multi-billion-dollar Syria aid appeals routinely underfunded

A look at growing gaps in aid for Syria, with needs rising faster than contributions by donors. UN figures show that the five-year-old war has so far displaced more than 11 million Syrians and that multi-billion-dollar aid appeals have routinely been underfunded.


2013 — total appeal $4.391 billion, 70 percent funded

2014 — total appeal $5.996 billion, 56 percent funded

2015 — total appeal $7.213 billion, 52 percent funded

2016 — total appeal $8.96 billion


— About 6.5 million Syrians are internally displaced inside their homeland

— Close to 4.6 million Syrians have been registered as refugees in regional host countries, mainly Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt.

— Since 2011, 50 Syrian families have been displaced every hour of every day.

— More than 440,000 Syrians arrived in Europe by sea in 2015


— about 13.5 million Syrians, including 6 million children, require humanitarian aid

— 70 percent of the population is without regular access to safe drinking water

— more than 2 million children are out of school

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