Lawyer: Rabbi accused of taping nude women to plead guilty

Rabbi Barry Freundel leaves the D.C. Superior Court House in Washington. AP/Cliff Owen  

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for a rabbi accused of videotaping women at a Jewish ritual bath says his client will plead guilty to more than 50 counts of voyeurism.

Barry Freundel is expected enter the plea Thursday afternoon in D.C. Superior Court. His lawyer, Jeffrey Harris, says his client will plead guilty to 52 counts of voyeurism.

Freundel is currently charged with six counts of voyeurism for videotaping six women. But prosecutors told a closed-door meeting of victims last week that Freundel had taped more than 150 women, though the statute of limitations bars them from charging him with many of the tapings. Several people who were inside spoke to The Associated Press.

Frundel was a rabbi at Washington's Kesher Israel synagogue for more than 25 years before his arrest in October.

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