France quietly buries terrorist gunman who killed 5 in Paris

PARIS — Paris officials say Amedy Coulibaly, who killed four hostages at a kosher market and policewoman earlier this month, has been buried in a suburban cemetery.

The burial Friday came after a debate over how to handle the bodies of Coulibaly and two other gunmen behind France's worst terrorist attack in decades. All three were killed by police.

Officials in some towns had objected to burying the gunmen, fearing the gravesites could become extremist shrines.

Paris officials said Coulibaly was buried in the Muslim section of the cemetery in Thiais, south of Paris, with a few family members present. No markings indicate his grave.

Brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, who killed 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, were buried secretly in unmarked graves in towns outside of Paris last weekend.

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