Israeli president cancels pop star's appearance

JERUSALEM — Israel's president on yesterday canceled the appearance of a local pop star at a high-profile public event following the singer's release of a new song focusing on a fictional Arab who stabs Jews.

The release of the song by singer Amir Benayoun reflects the recent tensions between Jews and Muslims, connected in large part to competing claims to the most sensitive holy site in Jerusalem. President Reuven Rivlin, whose largely ceremonial role is meant to serve as a moral compass for the country, repeatedly has appealed for calm.

Rivlin's office said yesterday it canceled its invitation for Benayoun to perform at an event next week marking the expulsion and exile of Jews from Arab countries and Iran.

The office said the sentiments expressed by Benayoun in the song "Ahmed Loves Israel" are "inconsistent with the responsibility required of the president's residence."

"His statements made at this time of conflict and tension ... do not, to say the least, help bring calm to the streets," it said.

"Ahmed Loves Israel" tells of a fictional Arab who wants to "send to hell a Jew or two" despite his moderate appearance.

"I wasn't brought up on love," the song goes. "It's true that the moment will come when you will turn your back on me, and I'll stab you right in the back."

Over the past month, Palestinian attackers have killed 11 people. Five Palestinian assailants have died at the hands of Israeli security forces, and an Arab-Israeli man was fatally shot by police during a violent protest.

Against this backdrop, the Israeli government is pushing new legislation that would codify Israel's status as "the Jewish state." Critics, including Arab rights groups and many Jewish Israelis, believe it would undercut Israel's democratic character. Officials have delayed a parliamentary vote, originally scheduled for Wednesday, by a week while legislators search for compromise language.

The bill still threatens to fracture Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling coalition.

The US State Department called Monday on Israel to preserve its democracy in a clear reference to the legislation.

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