ASEAN launches new video series on connectivity

NAY PYI TAW (Xinhua) - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) launched a new video series on ASEAN connectivity in Myanmar's capital of Nay Pyi Taw Saturday to raise awareness of the opportunities and benefits of a well-connected region.

The video series, launched on the sidelines of the 47th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting (AMM), are designed to help businesses, academia, media, and the public across ASEAN and around the world better understand the ASEAN Connectivity vision, the progress made to date, and the future economic and social impacts created by a truly connected region.

Myanmar Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin, who is rotating chair of ASEAN representing Myanmar for 2014, stressed at the launching ceremony that the connectivity will complement and support integration within ASEAN, and also within the broader regional framework and beyond.

ASEAN Connectivity is the catalyst for ASEAN member states to realize the vision, power and prosperity of a unified ASEAN Community.

The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity represents the strategic roadmap that sets forth important development objectives in three key dimensions essential to realizing the ASEAN Connectivity opportunity.

The three key dimensions include Physical Connectivity, Institutional Connectivity and People-to-People Connectivity.

The 11-part video series showcase the vision, rationale and progress made in advancing ASEAN Connectivity.

The video series was created by the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee with the support of the Australian Government as a key event to commemorate the 40th ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations.  


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