NZ Maori agribusiness showcased to APEC delegations

ACUKLAND (Xinhua) - New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) organized APEC delegations to visit Maori agribusiness programs to share their  experiences for rural economic development during a workshop in Northland.

Delegates from Peru, Indonesia, Japan, China, China's Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines attended APEC PPFS (Policy Partnership on Food Security) Rural Development workshop from 22- 25 July 2014, hosted by MPI and the Northland Mori agribusiness partners.

Through case studies and on-farm visits, the MPI shared experiences while helping to build capability of New Zealand's rural development.

"Many APEC communities face similar barriers to rural economic development as New Zealand. These barriers include land tenure and ownership issues, complex governance frameworks, limited access to physical and financial capital, infrastructure constraints, and physical distance to large markets," MPI's Deputy Director- General Ben Dalton said.

The MPI officials listed some key points of rural development: know your people, know their inspirations, try to find possible business model with partners.  


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