World media laud annual China-US dialogue

BEIJING (Xinhua) - The sixth round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), which was convened here Wednesday and Thursday, has been lauded by world media as conducive to boosting mutual understanding and building a new type of major-country relations.

Professors Chun Kalim from Hoseo University of South Korea said that China and the US are two big powers in the world. It is reasonable and necessary to build a new era of relations between big powers in line with the current situation, which will also play a crucial role in maintaining world peace.

The China-US dialogue process is a process of closer exchange and cooperation which will be helpful for the two sides to understand each other's positions as well as to clear up contradictions and unpleasantness. It is worth mentioning that the China-US cultural exchanges and dialogue are to be elevated to the same level as the strategic and economic position, which is a major breakthrough.

The Yonhap News agency reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony repeatedly mentioned the establishment of a new-type China-US relations, and noted that China and the US should respect each other's choice of the development path. The two sides have reached agreement on cooperation in various fields, with plenty of achievements made.

Veteran Indian strategic analyst Ramesh Chopra said the dialogue is conducive to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

He said the United States and China can hold dialogue and coordination on various issues despite their differences.

Both China and the United States are economic giants and East, Southeast as well as South Asia can benefit immensely by interacting bilaterally as well as multi-laterally in the fields of economy and development to derive maximum advantage, Chopra said.

Russia's Kommersant daily newspaper published on Thursday an article titled "American diplomacy turns to China," in which it said US Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to China for the S&ED is seen as a step to build a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States, which was raised by the two countries' leaders last year.

The S&ED proved that the United States saw the economic cooperation between China as a top priority.

Progress was registered in negotiations on the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), which helps solve the problems of trade imbalance, the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan, investment restrictions and so on.

World News published in the Philippines reported that, through the joint efforts, the annual China-US dialogue has scored more than 300 achievements of cooperation and achieved perfect success.

As the largest developed country and the largest developing country in the world, although the two countries face conflicts of interest, they have common interests in various fields including denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the international fight against terrorism, the nuclear issue of Iran, the international financial crisis and climate changes, the newspaper said.

Strengthening communications and reducing frictions will benefit both countries, it said.

Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao newspaper said China and the United States had seen frequent frictions over the past year and the dialogue created an opportunity for the two sides to cushion the blow and "cool down" tensions.

The paper said the dialogue had already made breakthroughs on important issues such as currency reform and BIT.

In another article, the paper said the economic dialogue yielded over 90 items of agreement and the most remarkable progress is that both sides agreed to resolve core issues and major provisions of BIT.

Although the two failed to reach agreements over cyber security and maritime disputes, it showcased the complicated "cooperative and contradictory" relationship between the two giant economies.

Sin Chew Daily, a Malaysian Chinese-language newspaper, reported that China and the United States had reached an agreement that the two countries' leaders would continue to maintain regular communication.

At the same time, it said that China and the United States had agreed to promote their cooperation in fields like anti-terrorism, law enforcement, anti-corruption, customs, fishery, maritime affairs, energy and climate changes, security, etc.

Thailand's Sirinakorn Daily News quoted academics as saying that China and the US should take good advantage of this dialogue to reshape bilateral relations and create a positive momentum for development.

An article posted on the website of MCOT, a Thai-language media group, said that the relations between China and the United States have much bearing on global peace and stability.

Both countries have expected to take this opportunity to improve their relations, further promote economic and security cooperation and prevent disagreements from exerting negative impact, it said.  


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