US welcomes Syrian opposition's agreement to attend peace conference

WASHINGTON (Xinhua) - Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday lauded the Syrian opposition's agreement to attend a peace conference slated for Wednesday in the Swiss city of Montreux, pledging continuing US support in the peace process.

US-recognized Syrian National Coalition, Syria's main opposition bloc, announced earlier in the day after a vote in Turkey's Istanbul that it would join the peace talks, also known as Geneva II.

"By voting to go to Geneva II with a mission to negotiate an end to the war, the opposition has chosen a path that will ultimately lead to a better future for all Syrians," Kerry said in a statement.

The Syrian government has agreed to join the Montreux talks, which will build on the Geneva Communique adopted in June 2012 by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and four Middle East countries, which calls for the establishment of a transitional governing body in Syria to lead the country out of a protracted conflict that broke out in March 2011.

"The United States will continue to support the Syrian opposition as they embark on the best opportunity to achieve a negotiated political transition as outlined in the Geneva communique," said Kerry, pledging "direct" engagement with the opposition at the peace conference and "every day thereafter."

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