'Syria's exiled opposition supports rebel battle against jihadists'

DAMASCUS (Xinhua) - The exiled Syrian National Coalition (SNC) expressed Saturday its full support to the battles waged by the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) against al-Qaida-linked groups that once had fought along with the FSA against the government troops.

In a statement issued Saturday, the coalition said that it's imperative for the opposition fighters to keep protecting the " revolution" against forces of President Bashar al-Assad and al- Qaida-linked groups "that have been trying to betray the revolution."

The statement came as intense battles have flared since Friday morning between the FSA, which advocates a moderate views, and the jihadist groups.

The jihadist groups in Syria intended to establish an Islamic state.

The international community has expressed great concerns over the growing influence of the jihadists among other rebel factions.

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