250 dead stingrays found on Mexican beach

Stingray carcasses litter the shore of the Chachalacas beach near the town of Ursulo Galvan on Mexico's Gulf Coast, Tuesday, July 16, 2013. Mexican authorities are investigating the death of at least 250 stingrays. Ursulo Galvan Mayor Martin Verdejo says witnesses told authorities fishermen dumped the stingrays on the beach because they weren't able to get a good price for them. Chopped stingray wings are commonly served as snacks in Veracruz restaurants. AP/Felix Marquez

VERACRUZ, Mexico — Mexican authorities are investigating the death of at least 250 stingrays found on a beach of the Gulf coast state of Veracruz.

Residents and visitors first spotted the dead rays Tuesday on the Chachalacas beach in the town of Ursulo Galvan and posted photos on social media.

Ursulo Galvan Mayor Martin Verdejo says witnesses told authorities fishermen dumped the stingrays on the beach because they weren't able to get a good price for them.

Food vendor Adriana Loredo says she was at the beach when she saw fishermen dumping the rays from their nets.

Chopped stingray wings are commonly served as snacks in Veracruz restaurants.

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