VIRAL: 'Softdrinks hair rinse' hack for girls who love curls

Famous Youtube channel Elkko tries the "Coke Hair Rinse." Screengrab

MANILA, Philippines - Fail or Holy Grail?

As many of you know, softdrinks have many uses. Aside from serving as a refreshment, it could also work as a toilet bowl cleaner, sink stain remover and can also remove a bubblegum stuck on your hair (you're welcome!).

But as hair styling agent? Insurgent star Suki Waterhouse revealed in an interview with US Weekly that she casually pours softdrinks on her hair to get the perfect scrunch.

"I don't like my hair when it's washed - it's fine and limp - but Coca-Cola makes it tousled, like I've gone through the Amazon or something," said the supermodel-turned-actress

Famous Youtube channel Elkko wanted to know whether the trick really works, so she made her own video demonstrating the beauty hack. The video has been posted early this year, but it was only recently that it became viral with fourteen million views. Check out the result here:


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