Number of voters in Dumaguete increases

DUMAGUETE CITY, Philippines – The total number of registered voters with biometrics in this capital city of Negros Oriental, as of October 31 this year, rose by almost six percent compared to that in the 2013 elections.

As of final count, following last Sunday’s deadline for voters’ registration, the total registered voters in Dumaguete was 80,643, according to city election officer Gildu Agoncillo. This number was higher than the 76,024 voters in the 2013 polls, or an increase of 4,439.

Agoncillo however said the total number is not final yet because the list of registered voters is still subjected to an Election Registration Board hearing this month for approval.

Agoncillo nevertheless was optimistic that the final number would be more or less 80,000 after some names will be deleted due to death, double entry or transfer of voting precinct.

Meanwhile, only 2,811 from the previous number of registered voters in Dumaguete failed to have their biometrics taken and thus will no longer be able to vote in the May 9, 2016 elections. So far, the Comelec has not announced an extension for the biometrics registration of voters.

Provincial election supervisor Eddie Aba, for his part, said his office was still waiting for the submission of final reports from the different towns and cities in Negros Oriental for the total number of registered voters after the October 31st deadline.

Aba expected the reports to be in by this week, although it cannot be determined yet whether there is an increase in the number of registered voters in the province, until after the ERB hearing in Manila on November 16.

In the 2013 elections, Comelec records showed that the province of Negros Oriental has a total of 763,937 registered voters. (FREEMAN)

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