Negros Or. PB members told to return cars assigned them

CEBU, Philippines - Members of the Negros Oriental Provincial Board, who voted to override the governor's veto of the line item in the annual budget, had been ordered to return to the provincial motor pool the vehicles assigned to them.

Governor Roel Degamo vetoed the item transferring P18 million worth of projects of the vice governor and 10 PB members from the special purpose fund to the PB, but some legislators had voted to override Degamo's veto,

The governor vetoed this item, contending that this would constitute a creation of a new item in the budget, which is prohibited under the Local Government Code. He said the duties of a PB member are to legislate and identify projects but not implement these, as this power belonged to the governor. 

For lack of projects to supervise or inspect in their respective districts, the PB members who voted to override the governor should now return the vehicles assigned to them, said Degamo.

The purpose of the vehicles was to allow the PB members to inspect and supervise projects, funded by 20 percent of the economic development fund, which they had identified for their respective districts, he said. "Since they could not implement projects, the vehicles are withdrawn from them."

Degamo said these vehicles should be used instead by engineers and doctors in the hinterland barangays where they are assigned.

In the event of defiance, Degamo said service vehicles not returned after the withdrawal of their respective memorandum receipts will be marked as carnapped vehicle and subject for interception by the Highway Patrol Group.

The first PB member directed by Degamo to return the vehicle assigned to her was Jessica Villanueva. The rest should follow, including Vice Governor Edward Mark Macias, said the governor. — (FREEMAN)

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