PB-Iloilo tackles mayor’s plea to stop suspension

ILOILO CITY, Philippines — The motion for reconsideration filed by Maasin town Mayor Mariano Malones on his suspension has been considered by the Iloilo Provincial Board during its regular session on September 30.

Vice Governor Raul Tupas said Malones’s side will be heard on next week’s regular session on October 8.

Malones was charged with simple misconduct and meted with a three-month suspension during the PB session on September 23 for his failure to re-instate his former employee Elsa Maternal, who was terminated as Municipal Human Resource Officer in 2002.

Tupas said upon approval of Malones’s suspension, the mayor was given a month to file a motion for reconsideration at the PB or appeal his case to the Office of the President.

Malones said he was hoping to convince the PB that he was not guilty of the charge, adding that he already followed the order of the Civil Service Commission to reinstate Maternal, but then there was no available position for her since her previous position was already abolished years ago.

The mayor said he even requested the Municipal Council to create another position for Maternal, but this was not granted yet.

If his MR will be denied again, Malones said he will file his case to the higher court although he clarified that he is willing to step down anytime if the suspension will be served to him. —Montesa Griño Caoyonan (FREEMAN)



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