CPP-NPA high-ranked leader arrested

CEBU, Philippines - The New People's Army rebels might launch retaliatory attacks against government troops following the arrest of their leader at Jaro district in Iloilo City on Tuesday morning, a military official said.

Eduardo Esteban, 60, a high-ranked leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines-NPA in Northern Luzon was arrested by members of the military and the police at his shelter at Block 3, Phase 2 of Landheights Subdivision in Barangay Buntatala.

With a reward of P5.8 million for his capture, Esteban also holds a high position at the CPP-NPA Central Committee, alongside the Tiamzon couple who were arrested in Cebu last March.

Esteban, who hails from Iloilo City with his wife from Tapaz in Capiz, is facing charges for murder under Criminal Case No. 2000-A-001, with an arrest warrant issued by Judge Corpus Alzate of Regional Trial Court-Branch 2 in Bangued, Abra.

Brigadier General Arnold Quiapo, commander of the 301st Infantry Brigade, said the arrest of Esteban will be a big blow to an already crippled NPA force. "We reiterated to our troops to stand on guard and be ready for any eventuality," he said.

"There is a power struggle within their organization and his arrest will further aggravate that. There would be no one to orchestrate their movement," Quiapo said.

During Esteban's arrest, the arresting team recovered from his possession a clutch bag containing a .38-caliber revolver with six ammunitions, a PhilHealth identification card and a pocketbook. — (FREEMAN)

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