ASEAN delegates in Bohol for poverty eradication talks

CEBU, Philippines - At least 30 senior officials and other delegates from the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam on Monday arrived in Panglao Island of Bohol, for the 11th Senior Officials Meeting on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (SOMRDPE) of the ASEAN.

The Philippines, through the National Anti-Poverty Commission, is hosting this year's event, from June 16 to 19, in fulfillment of the Philippines' commitment to the ASEAN.

This year's theme is "Enabling Enterprise for Economic Inclusion of the Poor," in which ASEAN member-states' officials on rural development and poverty eradication will discuss policies and present models of enterprises that can play an important role in uplifting the lives of the poor across the region. 

NAPC Undersecretary Patrocinio Jude Esquerra III, who heads the Philippine delegation, said the important key to poverty reduction is the support towards creating and nurturing an environment where small players (or the poor) can participate.

"We must establish effective enterprise models, and cultivate and harvest this valuable information to effectively address challenges in the ASEAN context," Esguerra said.

NAPC communications officer Bryan Villasana, in a press release, said "poverty alleviation is usually achieved with sustained economic growth," and that institutions and systems must be in place to ensure that the poor are part and beneficiaries of such growth.

Villasana said the ASEAN officials will present policies, legislations, programs or best practices from their respective country during the meeting. They will also hold a forum with representatives of non-government organizations from Southeast Asia.

Yesterday afternoon, official representatives from South Korea, Japan and China arrived in Panglao where they are also scheduled to have a round of discussion with the ASEAN officials during the 4-day event.

NAPC officials said Bohol was chosen as the venue of the SOMRDPE because the province has shown best practices in engaging the poor in economic enterprises. Bohol is also a tourist destination where delegates can enjoy themselves.

"This is a big event for Bohol," says Governor Edgardo Chatto. "We are thankful to NAPC Secretary Joel Rocamora for bringing the ASEAN delegates to the province."

The arrival of delegates in Bohol is expected to boost the local economy of the province, which is undergoing rehabilitation after the massive earthquake that struck the province in October last year. (FREEMAN)

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