Ormoc takes austerity measures, savings in celebrating city fiesta

ORMOC CITY, Philippines — Mayor Edward Codilla said the direction of this year's fiesta celebration will be influenced by the effects of typhoon Yolanda.

"The economic capacity of Ormocanons must come first to sustain our recovery after the destruction," Codilla said when asked on the kind of activities in place for the fiesta.

The mayor said the city government is now adopting austerity measures and savings as it celebrates the annual fiesta. "We must always save for the rainy days (emergencies) and at the same time celebrate fiesta as a way of giving thanks for the trials that made us strong and the blessings to share.

In this connection, Edwin Codilla, chairman of this year's fiesta celebration, announced the exclusion of the annual beauty pageant in the calendar of activities.

Edwin, an event organizer for 20 years, cited the huge expenses a beauty contest needs. "It would be impractical to stage a beauty pageant after Yolanda directly hit us," he said of the contest cancellation.

Instead of the beauty pageant, Edwin said the committee will stage a world-class fashion show on June 27, featuring the creations of designer Leo Almodal, who offered to the city his services for free.

Other performers and talents from the entertainment world will also grace the celebration, without cost to the city government, starting June 12 up to the fiesta on the 29th of June.

Edwin added that the fiesta, in line with the theme: "We prayed, We survived, One city, Moving on", other activities will be centered on livelihood programs such as cooking demo, delicacy makers expo, farmers and fisherfolk day, plants and garden day, steam food making and other income generating products. Jobs fair will also be held on top of the usual free social services. — (FREEMAN)

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