Negros Oriental now “conflict manageable, development ready”

CEBU, Philippines - The capture of an injured NPA leader and the deaths of his two comrades during an encounter in Pamplona, Negros Oriental was a big blow to the rebel organization and the demoralization of its members, according to Brigadier General Francisco Patrimonio.

Patrimonio, commander of the 302nd Infantry Brigade, said this military achievement to clear Negros Oriental of insurgency was the basis of his recommendation to the Peace and Order Council for the declaration of the province “conflict manageable and development ready” by April 25.  The military recommendation was in turn approved by the POC, headed by Governor Roel Degamo.

The latest clash at Barangay Balayong in Pamplona resulted in the death of two rebels, Ka Andoy and Ka Jury, and the wounding of Jessie Dacal-Dacal, who had a pending murder and rebellion charges in court.

Patrimonio ordered the bringing of  Dacal-Dacal to a hospital, and coordinated with the local government for the decent burial of the two slain rebels.

Immediately after the encounter, the Scene of  the Crime Operatives were dispatched to the area, while Commission on Human Rights field officer Jess Cañete also went to the site to investigate and to determine if laws of engagements were followed, based on the international humanitarian law.

Patrimonio said Dacal-Dacal is a veteran leader of the NPA in the area, and his capture caused a large dent to the morale of the underground movement in the province. He called on the remaining members to come down and abandon the armed struggle to avail themselves of the government’s assistance to start a new, normal life.

Patrimonio said the encounter positively showed that the people have rejected the NPA, after they notified the government troops of the presence of the rebels in one of the houses in Balayong, resulting in the entrapment by the soldiers.

The military is now dictating the situation and managing the conflict well to the government’s favor, he said, adding that the rebels are now on the run after the Philippine Army occupied the guerilla base at Sta. Catalina town, he said.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Harold Pascua, commander of the 79th Infantry Battalion, vehemently denied earlier reports that four of his soldiers were killed in the Pamplona encounter. — (FREEMAN)

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