In Siquijor, day before may 13: Widow replaces bet who dies of ailment

SIQUIJOR, SIQUIJOR, Philippines --- Doctor Marie Anne Serrano Pernes, a 48-year-old dentist and wife of the late congressional bet Dr. Jose Jay Samson Pernes, filed her COC at Comelec at 9:10 a.m. yesterday (May 13), election day. She was accompanied by one child and Secretary Joel Rocamora, of the National Anti-Proverty Commission, a native of Siquijor.

Election assistant Ailen Cenas told The Freeman that the Comelec already faxed copies of the COC and other supporting documents, and then send via courier the original copies of these papers to Comelec central office in Manila.

The remains of Dr. Jay Pernes was laid at the Larena town's Queengate Center where Siquijodnons paid their final respect. A holy mass was officiated also, and Liberal Party leaders in the province said the body of the late doctor will be brought to Manila either today (May 14) or tomorrow (May 15) for cremation.

The 49-year-old Dr. Jay Pernes, the Liberal Party bet for the lone congressional seat of Siquijor province, was declared dead on arrival at the provincial hospital in Siquijor at 3:20 p.m. on May 12 (Sunday).

Doctor Christiansen Sevilleno, the attending physician at the hospital, issued the declaration saying that there were no more vital signs on Dr. Jay Pernes upon arrival at the hospital. He however did not say it was a heart attack but he said the right breast of the doctor was bloated.

Doctor Rhea Pal-ing, of Enrique Villanueva town, examined Dr. Jay Pernes earlier that morning, and it was Dr. Susan Jojie Villa, of Larena town where the ailing doctor was a resident, led a group  that rushed the latter to the hospital.

The late doctor was running for congressman, under the LP, against Orlando Fua Jr. of the Lakas-Kampi-CMD party. His widow Marie Anne, including her four children, attended an emergency meeting of LP to decide on who will replace the doctor.

An LP bet for Provincial Board Member, Dar Lynn Honrubia, told The Freeman that Pernes' fight for the people of Siquijor for change in the province will continue with the candidacy of Marie Anne.

The LP here said that Pernes' platforms, aired during his campaigns, were to strengthen tourism, more health services, enhanced business environment and more jobs for the people. (FREEMAN)

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