Mayors condemn grenade blasts

BACOLOD CITY , Philippines   â€” Negros Occidental Gov. Alfredo Marañon Jr. and the mayors of this province yesterday condemned the “terroristic act” against their colleague, whose residence was attacked with two grenade blasts Wednesday night.

Acting Manapla police chief, Insp. Julius Ceasar Colado, said the two M-203 grenades exploded at the residential compound of Manapla Mayor Lourdes Escalante in Brgy. Punta Mesa in Manapla Wednesday at 10:40 p.m. The police still establishing the motive of the incident, said Colado.

Based on initial police investigation, the two explosions created two holes, about 60 meters away from the house of Escalante. The mayor’s husband, Manuel Escalante, is an executive assistant to the governor.

Mayor Escalante, who is seeking for re-election, said she had not received any threat but they suspected that politics was behind the incident.

In a press statement, Marañon denounced the incident that he described as “politically-motivated,” and an act of desperation and cowardice, although he did not name names.

Marañon’s reelection bid is being challenged by Vice Governor Genaro Alvarez, his former ally and runningmate in the 2010 elections, who was endorsed by the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC) as its gubernatorial candidate.

For his part, Alvarez said he is calling for an immediate investigation on the incident, so the suspect or suspects could be immediately arrested, and political candidates will not use the incident as a black propaganda against his camp.

Also in a separate press statement, Association of Chief Executives (ACE) of Negros Occidental said it strongly condemns the recent act of violence, which clearly targeted Mayor Escalante and her family. ACE president and E. B. Magalona Mayor David Albert Lacson, said: “This is tantamount to ‘terrorism’ and should be abhorred by everyone.”

Mayor Escalante was in the house at the time of the incident, meeting with her department heads, Manuel said. The grenades were believed to have been “fired” from an assault rifle from the Gaston farm across the river from the house, with shrapnels hitting the walls of the dirty kitchen of the house, he said.

Mr. Escalante said they believed it could have been an assassination attempt or harassment against him and his family.

“I am asking all mayors to rally behind Mayor Escalante and deplore this form of violence,” Lacson said. This kind of aggression has been unheard of in the province for a very long time and we should not allow these acts of terrorism to be repeated, he said.

“Negros Occidental has always been a peaceful province and looked upon highly at the national level,” Lacson said. “We have attained the confidence of investors and we have enjoyed progress for several years now. This type of acts will be a huge set-back and will deter investors to come in,” he said. “This is a sad day for Negros Occidental.”  (FREEMAN)

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